Sunday, April 14, 2013


Alright, so its been a LONG time since I last posted....but in my defense, a lot has happened in the past several weeks! I have moved out of my parents' house into the city to live with my aunt; meaning I had to quit my job and switch schools. I've also gotten a bunny since moving, and *surprise, surprise* I only started Montignac Method last Tuesday :( (better late than never!)

Charlie- My little 3 month-old female Holland Lop <3

Cute little Charlie taking a nap~

Me and my uncle~ taken while on a walk with him and my aunt

Thanks for reading! Please comment~
Anne~ :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Back to MR. Montignac...

I've gained a few too many pounds over christmas to be happy with myself. so I've decided to start back on montignac today! I started it last january, and was on and off throughout the year. in total I lost 15pounds. I've gained back 10 of thosepounds and I'm not happy with how I look. so to motivate myself, I'm gonna log my progress! feel free to share your diet experiences :) I'll also be posting later what exactly the montignac method is and involves!


height: 5"1
Initial weight: 110 pounds